Spelling and vocabulary go hand in hand. The program comes with exercises for vocabulary. The vocabulary goes with the books they are reading. I use the same words for spelling lists. We use the matching sheet that comes with RC for a weekly vocab test on Friday and then I give them a spelling test on Sat using t
he same words.
We use Saxon for math, which is recommended with the program. The grammar book has exercises that follow the books they are reading also. I love it! I wish I had done this a LONG time ago. Don't let the sugar and tv thing scare you away from this curriculum. There is a lot of value in it. I can now get my housework done and the kids know what to do each day. They start themselves, check themselves, and finish themselves. I periodically check them to make sure they are doing what they should and that they are on track. I have become more of a guide and disiplinarian and the books, curriculum and themselves have become the teacher. I think it creates better study habits for them. They know they will be tested by mom through narration of the books, their writing and vocab and spelling tests. So, they are motivated to get it done. Plus they have to get all subjects finished before they can play for the day. So, they are really motivated to work hard so they have free time in the afternoon. I also wanted to add as far as reading is concerned...We follow the RC list of books for one hour each day. The second hour of reading is a mom pick book. Now this is where I can add in subjects-like science and history or art appreciation. See? Mom pick box allows me to add what I want them to learn. I would like to add geography, but I can't seem to find the time. Maybe once we get this system going I can pick a day to add this in. We'll see...Some days I may want to do art with them. So I may be able to switch up a box. We'll see... There are only so many hours in a day. My kids, starting this at 10 and 11 years old, need to get their basics DOWN PAT. I think this curriculum will allow them to do just that. No more playing around with various subjects. They will have plenty of time for fun in the future. Right now is critical for me to get these basic in their brains! They are growing up so fast. I do wish I had started this earlier, but we will begin from here. One last note: I am not going to be printing and binding all these books. I have done some, but I just purchased each child a Kindle and we are going to load the Kindles with the books. It is better for their eyes than the computer and it will save me time and money in the future on ink and paper. Ink can add up. Also, with the Kindles we can all have a copy of a book and read together in the evenings. Bible study and family reading time will work well this way. They can follow along with what I'm reading, because everyone will have a copy of the book. If you decide to follow this curriculum have fun with it and make it your own. It is pretty versatile.