We had a real nice Easter this weekend. I had been so worried about not having a lot of gifts and candy for the kids. I remember as a child waking up on Easter morning and having some very beautiful Easter baskets with toys and candy. My mom would make us get up very early and we would find a church that would have sunrise service. We would go to that and then find a brunch to eat at. I remember those traditions as a child fondly. I have tried to recreate them in my own home, but it never seems to work out. This Easter I had meant to get the kids a gift for Easter morning, but I'm never by myself. Since David is gone all week, it is just me and the kids. So, it was impossible to get them anything during the week. When David got home on Friday it was too late to really go to the store, because we went to church that evening. On Saturday, David and Aidan had a father and son football game, which went very well. They had lots of fun. After that we had errands to run, and we were going to separate in the store to pick up goodies for the kids. Well, there I was in the Easter isle. David had told me I could not spend much money. I look around and it was a mad house. Parents scrambling for the last remaining white chocolate rabbit. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. God was screaming to me at that very moment that this is not what Easter is about! I left the area and found my family in the store looking at socks, which is exactly what we all needed. We don't need candy, we don't need toys, we need socks. All our socks have holes in them. So, we bought socks and I went home and cried. I cried, because I just didn't want to disappoint my children on Easter morning. I cried, because I couldn't live up to the traditions my parents were able to give me as a kid. I cried, because I forgot what Easter is about. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. He showed me that Easter is about being with Him and being together. So, we read a book together and I sent the kids off to bed knowing I had nothing for them to wake up to in the morning. So, I sat there on the couch and it occured to me that I could make them something. I had wool from my new hobby-felting. I decided to felt them a little rabbit. It came together well. They each got a rabbit and David went up to the grocery store and bought two small chocolate rabbits. We put them in an old Easter basket that we had already had. When the kids woke up in the morning, they were very excited about mom's homemade rabbits. It really didn't take much to make them happy. My kids read the Bible about the tomb being empty and we made a wonderful breakfast together. We had went to church on Friday so we decided that we would stay home together and enjoy the day the Lord had made. We are very blessed. I thank God for showing me truth when the world tries to mislead us.
How We Found Out Our Son Had Cancer...Again
5 years ago